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TubaChristmas 2020 Virtual Performance
Be Part of the Project

Banner for project

Reno, NV, has been presenting TUBACHRISTMAS performances since 1989. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are not able to perform together in person this year. I have made an arrangement called "Christmas Tuba Fantasy" featuring five Christmas tunes for tuba-euphonium quartet (2 euphonium parts and 2 tuba parts) to be used in a virtual project. We invite musicians from the Reno area, other parts of the United States, and abroad to be involved. If you wish to participate, please send us a video recording you playing one (or two) of the four parts.

For further information, go to the Resource Page.



Video Editing Page Has Been Added
March 2021

Screen capture for TUBACHRISTMAS video

I have been doing a lot of video editing and Zoom meetings since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. A lot of my focus has been doing projects to involve musicians remotely. In the process, I have picked up some video editing skills. To see links to examples of my video work, go to the Video Work Page.



To be updated...



To be updated...



To be updated...

This page last updated 7/19/2024